Notranjska Regional Park is actively participating in the LIFE FOR SEEDS project, which aims to conserve and restore species-rich meadows [...]
On 4 and 5 February 2025, DOPPS and Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana organised a two-day event on [...]
In the middle of November, we transferred the first set of accessions from the seed bank in Jablje to its [...]
Slemenova špica is a very popular mountain destination in the Municipality of Kranjska Gora, with a relatively easy route from [...]
In the Notranjska Regional Park area we focus on restoration of grasslands and fen habitats on moist to wet soils [...]
In the area of Lake Cerknica and Brejnice (Menišija) we carried out systematic vegetation surveys using a modified Braun-Blanquet method [...]
Besides spring, autumn is also an excellent time for planting seedlings and sowing seed mixtures. In September and October we [...]
As part of the LIFE FOR SEEDS project, a new outdoor exhibition, titled About Meadows and Seeds, has been set [...]
This year, KIS and DOPPS planned brush harvesting of donor meadows at Planinsko polje, in order to obtain seed mixtures [...]
During the summer months, work on the project in Goričko is in full swing. The seeds have ripened again, and it’s [...]
Some plant species that we encounter while collecting seeds for our seed bank, have fleshy fruits - e.g. all three [...]
The exhibition SEEDS FOR LIFE has been circulating throughout Slovenia for two years. In May and June, the exhibit is [...]
In 2023, seedlings of purple moor grass Molinia caerulea, devil's-bit scabious Succisa pratensis and Davall's sedge Carex davalliana were grown [...]
During the search for well-preserved meadows in Goričko in March, we came across uncut patches of vegetation from last year [...]
In the Ormož Basins Nature Reserve (OBNR), we restored 2,1 ha of grassland in 2022 and 2023, using either green [...]
In Triglav National park our summer activities in the LIFE FOR SEEDS project during the 2023 season were primarily seed [...]
In the last days of December, we set up a new information desk within the LIFE FOR SEEDS project. This [...]
One of the key activities of LIFE FOR SEEDS project is the establishment of a seed bank, which can serve [...]
When we think of orchids, most of us first imagine plants with lush flowers decorating windowsills of many homes. However, [...]
In the scope of the project LIFE FOR SEEDS, we also undertook the restoration of habitats which were in poor [...]
At Goričko Nature Park we took advantage of the warm end of summer for drying and cleaning the seed mixtures [...]
In the beginning of November we concluded the first season of seed gathering for the seed bank of LIFE FOR [...]
As was already reported, KIS and DOPPS brush harvested seed mixtures for grassland restoration at Planinsko polje at the end [...]
Together with the end of summer, the first season of seed gathering for the establishment of seed bank in LIFE [...]
One of the main goals of the LIFE FOR SEEDS project is the establishment of the largest seed bank of [...]
Part of the LIFE FOR SEEDS project is also restoration of grasslands, that belong to habitat type turloughs (Natura code [...]
Summer months are the busiest months as the majority of project activities take place in the peak of the maturation [...]
Among meadows of habitat type 6210(*) that we are restoring within LIFE FOR SEEDS project, are also three plots in [...]
As already reported in April 2023, seeds of several species were collected in Goričko last year and their seedlings raised [...]
On 30th and 31st of May 2023, project partners of LIFE for SEEDS have carried out the fourth and final [...]
Between 3 and 5 May project partners of LIFE FOR SEEDS visited the third of four planned networking projects. We [...]
In autumn 2022, 25 purple mulleins Verbascum phoeniceum were planted onto grasslands under restoration in LIFE FOR SEEDS project in [...]
In April, the team of researchers from the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia working on the project LIFE FOR SEEDS published [...]
Between December 2022 and middle of March 2023 DOPPS' team visited 164 farms that manage species-rich grasslands on 20 Natura [...]
As part of the LIFE FOR SEEDS project, 25 purple mullein seedlings were planted. Purple mullein (Verbascum phoeniceum) [...]
In the past months, we have been very active in LIFE FOR SEEDS project at Goričko Nature Park. Firstly, we [...]
In the past two months, the Life for Seeds project has been intensively collecting seed mixtures in dry orchid meadows [...]
This spring and summer, as part of the LIFE for Seeds project, we tried to determine species-rich meadows from which [...]
In June, mixed DOPPS and KIS teams were gathering seeds on the southern embankment of Lake Ptuj for several days, [...]
In mid May, the subcontractor for vegetation surveys, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU), [...]
During 25.-27. May we visited the Czech Republic, as part of action E2, to see restored grasslands in the White [...]
The first one of the four planned networking visits was performed between 22nd and 24th March. We visited the Centre [...]
Notranjska Regional Park started to perform activities for LIFE FOR SEEDS project in September 2021. A field survey helped identify [...]
Ormož Basins Nature Reserve, owned by DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia, covers approximately 66 ha. It consists of six lagoons, pastures, [...]