Part of the LIFE FOR SEEDS project is also restoration of grasslands, that belong to habitat type turloughs (Natura code 3180*). Among them are Molinia grasslands at Planinsko polje (SAC Notranjski trikotnik), owned by the Municipality Postojna. At the same time, the municipality also owns some of the best preserved Molinia stands in this area, which is why we agreed to use their well-preserved meadows as donor plots for the restoration of 3,8 ha that are in less favourable conservation status.
To obtain seed material, KIS and DOPPS carried out brush harvesting in the central part of Planinsko polje at the end of July. All donor meadows are enrolled into the agri-environmental scheme for birds of wet meadows, which was respected. The scheme stipulates that cutting is allowed after 10 July where there was no Corncrake Crex crex detected in national monitoring. If the Corncrake was detected, cutting is allowed after 1 Aug. Brush harvesting is less destructive than cutting, but we wanted to be on the safe side. Unfortunately, brush harvesting was not possible in August due to floods. Material harvested in July was transported to Cerknica, where NRP provided a place for drying. In order to ensure even drying and prevent any mould from developing, it was turned multiple times.