In autumn 2022, 25 purple mulleins Verbascum phoeniceum were planted onto grasslands under restoration in LIFE FOR SEEDS project in Goričko. They were raised from seeds gathered in Goričko.
With the aim to produce more than just a symbolic number of seedlings, seeds of 25 species were gathered on dry orchid meadows in Goričko in summer 2022. After drying they were stored in a freezer at -18oC. In the middle of March 2023 seeds were sown into substrate for the propagation of vegetable seedlings. Moreover, one acidophilic species (sheep’s-bit Jasione montana) was sown additionally also in acidic substrate for rhododendrons. By the beginning of April, 18 species germinated and were soon pricked out into individual pots.
Three species of pinks (Dianthus carthusianorum, D. armeria, D. deltoides), proliferous pink Petrorhagia prolifera, purple mullein, yellow bedstraw Galium verum, a species of fescue Festuca sp. and sheep’s-bit in acidic substrate germinated most reliably and prolifically. Several species turned out to be more demanding, e.g. rock cinquefoil Potentilla rupestris, kidney vetch Anthyllis vulneraria and mountain clover Trifolium montanum, with only few seeds germinating so far. We are still awaiting the most »picky« species, such as dropwort Filipendula vulgaris, tassel hyacinth Muscari comosum, tufted milkwort Polygala comosa, yellow rattle Rhinanthus minor and flaxleaf Thesium linophyllon.
We are keeping our fingers crossed for all 500 transplanted seeding to make it to this autumn to be transferred to recipient meadows in Nature Park Goričko.