In the Ormož Basins Nature Reserve (OBNR), we restored 2,1 ha of grassland in 2022 and 2023, using either green hay or seed mixes. This year, we will plant seedlings on a further 0,4 ha, which used to be water buffalo pasture. For the purpose of growing seedlings, we collected seeds of 28 native plants in 2023, mostly on the embankments of Lake Ptuj, but some also in Haloze (habitat type of dry grasslands with orchids).
The seeds were sown in February. The fastest of all species, Sainfoin Onobrychis viciifolia, germinated after one week and a week later it was joined by several other species, e.g. Kidney Vetch Anthyllis vulneraria, Furrowed Fescue Festuca rupicola, Bird’s-foot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus, Nottingham Catchfly Silene nutans, Oriental Goat’s Beard Tragopogon orientalis and Mountain Clover Trifolium montanum.
By mid-March 25 species had germinated, giving an overall success rate of almost 90 %. The seedlings were then transplanted into invididual pots to facilitate their development and growth. In early April, around 1500 seedlings were prepared for OBNR, some of which may be planted outdoors by the end of the month. However, as not all seeds germinate at the same time, we expect the number of seedlings to increase, as new plants emerge every day.