Besides spring, autumn is also an excellent time for planting seedlings and sowing seed mixtures. In September and October we planted 921 seedlings in four sites as part of our restoration actions: 299 seedlings of 13 species at Brejnice (bordering Natura 2000 site Krimsko hribovje – Menišija), 272 seedlings of ten species in Ormož Basins Nature Reserve (OBNR), 256 seedlings of five species in Nature Reserve Iški morost, where we were helped by our volunteer Zlata, and 94 seedlings of Siberian Iris Iris sibirica at Goričko. From the beginning of the project we already planted over 3900 seedlings of 57 different species. In addition, three recipient meadows for HT 6210(*) at Goričko were sown with home-grown seeds of ten characteristic species of dry orchid meadows, while recipient meadows for HT 6410 were sown with seeds of Siberian Iris and Sneezewort Achillea ptarmica. In OBNR, a part of the purchased arable field was sown with a seed mixture, collected at the embankments of Lake Ptuj and enriched with home-grown seeds of three species, which occur naturally along the Drava River.