During the search for well-preserved meadows in Goričko in March, we came across uncut patches of vegetation from last year in the natural value in Motvarjevci. They were intended for the butterfly marsh fritillary Euphydryas aurinia, that only inhabits wet meadows in Motvarjevci within the whole of Goričko. Among other uncut vegetation there were plenty of Siberian irises, many of which still had full or half-full seed heads.
We collected about 20 fistfuls of seeds, sowed them on the near-by recipient plot and slightly pressed them into the soil with boots. We took a few hundred seeds home to raise seedlings for restoration of Molinia meadows (habitat type 6410). Half were sown into soil and half were merely placed onto soaked paper towels. After around four weeks the first seeds on paper towels germinated and were transplanted into soil. We estimate that the seedlings will take another year to grow big enough to be transplanted onto recipient meadows.